
Expert Meeting of CCICED Special Policy Study on Pathway to Carbon Neutrality and China’s Role in Global Climate Governance

When 13:15-15:00 (CN)
05:15-07:00 (UK)
(Dec 4) 21:15-23:00 (SF)
Where Energy Foundation China Pavilion, China Pavilion EXPO 2020 (Green Zone), X583+2CW Sunrise Avenue - Dubai - United Arab Emirates

Time: December 5, 2023, 9:15-11:00 (Dubai Time)


The world is facing a poly-crisis including climate urgency, energy security, and economic recovery. Meanwhile, global implementation of climate actions are insufficient to match the ambition of the 1.5 °C goal. As a driver to synergize climate mitigation, energy transition, and economic growth, renewable energy has been developing rapidly in many countries. However, increasing trade disputes, as well as the rhetoric of de-globalization and de-risking, have posed barriers to investments in and the trade of green products, such as solar panels and EVs. Accelerating the deployment of renewables in the world requires not only tapping into domestic markets, but also strengthening global cooperation through overseas investment.

COP28, which will mark the conclusion of the first global stocktake and identify the world’s progress against our climate goals, will be a decisive moment for international climate action. Taking this opportunity, supported by the Special Policy Study of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED), this session invites CCICED members, special advisors, and world experts in energy and climate to discuss topics centered on how to bridge the gap in implementation through deploying renewable energy and fostering a resilient green supply chain.


Opening session

Moderated by Wang Yi, CCICED Member, Chinese Co-Lead of CCICED Climate Special Policy Study, Member of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, Deputy Director of the National Committee of Experts on Climate Change


Opening remarks (5 mins each)

  • Laurence Tubiana, CCICED Member, CEO of the European Climate Foundation
  • Erik Solheim, CCICED Member, Senior Advisor to the World Resources Institute
  • Levin Zhu, Visiting Professor of Management Practice at Tsinghua University, Former President and CEO of China International Capital Corporation
  • Lord Nicholas Stern, Chair of the Grantham Research Institute of LSE
  • Zou Ji, CCICED Special Advisor, International Co-Lead of CCICED Climate Special Policy Study, CEO and President of Energy Foundation China


Panel Discussion

Guiding Questions:

  • What actions can be taken domestically to facilitate efforts to triple renewable energy capacity globally, as endorsed by the G20?
  • How do developed and developing countries together break the bottlenecks of global trade and supply chain of green products, in order to increase the speed and scale of the green transition?
  • What mechanisms could be established after the Global Stocktake in COP28 to fast-track the implementation of climate goals towards COP30?

Guiding interventions (35 min, 4 mins each)

Moderator: Bernice Lee OBE, CCICED Special Advisor, Research Director, Futures, Hoffmann Distinguished Fellow for Sustainability, Chair of Chatham House Sustainability Accelerator Advisory Board, Chatham House - Royal Institute of International Affairs

  • Scott Vaughan, CCICED International Chief Advisor (on-line)
  • Christie Ulman, CCICED Member, President of Sequoia Climate Foundation
  • Erik Berglöf, Chief Economist of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
  • Ana Toni, National Secretary for Climate Change of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Brazil
  • Kelly Gallagher, Dean Ad Interim and Professor of Energy and Environmental Policy at The Fletcher School, Tufts University
  • Ju Jiandong, Unigroup Chair Professor at the Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance (on-line)
  • Billy Pizer, Vice President for Research and Policy Engagement, Resources for the Future
  • Richard Baron, Executive Director of 2050 Pathways Platform and Director of Trade Program, European Climate Foundation


Open discussion (40 min)

Moderator: Lei Hongpeng, CCICED Special Advisor, Global Director, Climate; Chief Representative of China, Children's Investment Fund Foundation

The open discussion will be also joined by the following participants:

  • Liu Hongpeng, Director of Energy Division, UNESCAP
  • David Sandalow, Inaugural Fellow at the Center on Global Energy Policy at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University
  • Rachel Kyte, Dean Emerita, Professor of Practice at The Fletcher School, Tufts University
  • Nick Mabey, Founder and CEO, E3G (on-line)
  • Alex Fisher, Program Director of Climate Ambition, ClimateWorks Foundation
  • Gørild Merethe Heggelund, Research Professor, Fridtjof Nansen Institute
  • Frank Jotzo, Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy, Director, Centre for Climate and Energy Policy, Australian National University
  • Harald Winkler, Professor, School of Economics, University of Cape Town
  • Yang Lei, Vice President, Institute of Energy, Peking University
  • Robert Stowe, Co-Director, Harvard Project on Climate Agreements
  • Meng Fei, China Initiatives Director, Climate Imperative
  • Jan Cornillie, Research Associate, School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute


Closing Remarks by Wang Yi, CCICED Member, Chinese Co-Lead of CCICED Climate Special Policy Study, Member of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, Deputy Director of the National Committee of Experts on Climate Change



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