International Cooperation

International Cooperation


Addressing the climate crisis has become a priority in global governance, with China playing a pivotal role internationally. As geopolitical tensions rise and fall, China and the international society will benefit from better communication and understanding of each other’s climate policies and actions. Climate communication between China and other countries needs to be improved to increase the consensus and enhance cooperation for more effective global climate governance.

The Overarching Goal:

Through a network of experts, communication platforms, high-level dialogues, and featured research, Energy Foundation China aims to bridge the gap in communication of climate issues between China and other countries to enhance mutual understanding, raise climate ambitions globally, and accelerate the low carbon transition. The work of this new International Cooperation Task Force incorporates Energy Foundation China’s Track II Cooperation and Belt and Road Initiative related efforts since 2018.


  1. Track II Cooperation and Dialogues: Facilitate multilateral processes, China-U.S. cooperation, and other bilateral and multilateral (including China-U.S., China-EU, and China-developing countries) dialogues in key areas of the low carbon transition;
  2. Low Carbon Transition in Developing Countries: Support domestic and international cooperation platforms, research on topics such as green overseas finance, and the green and low carbon transition of developing countries; and
  3. Special Policy Study on Climate Governance at the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED), a high-level advisory body to the Chinese government.


Participating Programs
  • President's Office
  • Industry
  • Low Carbon Economic Growth
  • Low Carbon Cities
  • Clean Power
  • Transportation
  • Environmental Management
  • Strategic Communications

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