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May 2, 2012

Study on the Promotion Mechanism for Green Development of Affordable Housing in Shenzhen

The construction of affordable housing is a major task of the national “twelfth five-year” plan of construction industry. In order to guarantee the quality of construction and build an ecological low-carbon city, Shenzhen requires that all affordable houses must be constructed in line with the green building standards, and achieve the bronze grade or above which specified by “Regulations on assessment of green buildings in Shenzhen”.
Apr 30, 2012

Strategic Study on Buildings Energy-efficiency Development in Northern Rural Areas of China

According to "China Rural Statistical Yearbook of 2006", annual household energy consumption for life in rural areas in 30 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) in China has reached 320 million tce, accounting for 20% of total building energy consumption in China. Promoting building energy-saving work northern rural areas is critical to the result of China’s overall building energy efficiency and is related to national energy strategies and sustainable economic and social development.
Mar 1, 2012

Natural Resources Defense Council’s DSM Activities Final Report to the Energy Foundation

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has a long history of promoting energy efficiency in China. With generous support from the Energy Foundation, NRDC established a Demand Side Management (DSM) Technical Center in Beijing at the end of 2008. The DSM Technical Center is an integral part of NRDC’s and the China Sustainable Energy Program’s (CSEP) goal to help China scale up its capacity to design, administer, implement, and evaluate cost effective energy efficiency programs. The DSM Technical Center is designed to serve as the go-to resource in helping China’s central and provincial governments realize their energy efficiency goals. In 2009, the DSM Technical Center mainly focused on its own internal capacity building to bring staff members up to speed on DSM program best practices and U.S. implementation experiences. In 2010, the DSM Technical Center began building on the advancements of previous years to provide hands-on technical assistance, trainings, and policy implementation support in selected provinces and municipalities in China, specifically Hebei, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Beijing, Shanghai, and Chongqing. In 2011, the DSM Technical Center continued its efforts to support the selected provinces and municipalities, and, in particular, reached out to grid companies to help build technical capacity to implement utility-led DSM programs. The DSM Technical Center has also become a more accessible source of information to the Chinese audience by adopting various forms of outreach strategies in 2011. Our goal was to help scale up DSM and efficiency power plant (EPP) implementation in China. This report provides a detail of our activities under Grant 1011-13558 from March 1-December 31, 2011.
Dec 2, 2011

Comprehensive Application Research on Renewable Energy in Building

A research and exploration on dynamic load calculation methods appropriate for Turpan New Town photovoltaic project has been accomplished in the research project. And the power consumption of each type of construction by applying such methods in order to lay a foundation for the real-time forecast of power consumption of neighborhoods is calculated with fixed time interval. The research also posits that it is necessary to analyze measured data of subitem collected on the spot in real time in the implementation of project, continuously revise load calculation, forecast power consumption, combine the revised data with forecast data of power consumption and provide support for micro power grid. Through the accumulation of real data on Turpan New Town photovoltaic project and summarization of practical methods and indexes, it provides valuable referential data for other project design and standard revision.
Oct 30, 2011

The Development of building energy performance benchmarking tools in China

Building energy consumption benchmark is important for determining and analyzing the energy efficiency. Compared with the developed countries in Europe and America, the work foundation of building energy consumption benchmark is bad in China, such as, no comprehensive data acquisition system, shortage of building energy consumption and basic fundamental data.
Jun 30, 2011

Two Presentations on Wind Curtailment

Prepared by the US consultants Kevin Porter, Sari Fink, Jennifer Rogers and Ryan Wiser, the 2 presentations that summarize the different approaches to...
Jun 30, 2011

Three Presentations from the Ancillary Service Training Seminar

China Renewable Energy Program of the EF organized a training seminar on cost calculation method on ancillary services for accommodating large scale R...
May 5, 2011

International experience of developing solar cities and its implication for China

This presentation, prepared by Arthur O’Donnell,Alex Pennock and Ryan Wiser of the Center for Resource Solutions, briefly introduces the international...
Mar 15, 2011

Planning Cities for People

Outlining eight key prinicples of sustainable urban design, this report addresses the major challenges and solutions for China's rapidly developing urban centers.
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