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Jan 30, 2024

Regional differences in emission contributions and health risks from solid fuel consumption in China’s residential sector

In 2024, Peking University’s School of Urban and Environmental Sciences Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes released a report titled “Regional differences in emission contributions and health risks from solid fuel consumption in China’s residential sector.” The report was supported by Energy Foundation China.
Jan 30, 2024

ARCH Flagship Report: Synergistic Governance of Health-Driven Air Pollution and Climate Change - Scientific Research Evidence

In 2024, Energy Foundation China supported Peking University, together with Fudan University and other organizations, to release the “ARCH Flagship Report: Synergistic Governance of Health-Driven Air Pollution and Climate Change - Evidence from Scientific Research.”
Dec 22, 2023

Research on Strategies and Pathways for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in Animal Husbandry in Inner Mongolia

In 2023, the Academy of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Sciences of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region published a report on “Research on Strategies and Pathways for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in Animal Husbandry in Inner Mongolia.” This study was supported by Energy Foundation China.
Dec 12, 2023

Study on technical strategies and business models for comprehensive management of civilian and agricultural scattered coal in typical areas of Heilongjiang Province

In August 2022, with support from Energy Foundation China, Tsinghua University conducted a research project titled “Study on technical strategies and business models for comprehensive management of civilian and agricultural scattered coal in typical areas of Heilongjiang Province.”
Sep 1, 2023

Strategy of Rural Renewable Energy Development in Typical Areas of Shanxi Province and Technical Plan of Scattered Coal Elimination in the Province’s Central Urban Cluster

In August 2022, with the support of Energy Foundation China, Tsinghua University released this research report presenting a strategy for developing more renewable energy in Shanxi Province’s rural areas and comparing technological solutions for eliminating scattered coal in the central urban cluster of the coal-dependent province.
Jun 27, 2023

Coal Reduction and Carbon Mitigation in Key Areas of Air Pollution

This research and survey on scattered coal reduction was a collaborative endeavor launched by the Society of Entrepreneurs and Ecology (SEE) in 2022, in partnership with Energy Foundation China.
Dec 1, 2021

Strategies for Coordinated Control of Air Pollution and GHGs During the 14th Five-Year Plan Period

In December 2021, with Energy Foundation China’s support, the Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning released this report analyzing China’s air quality strategies for the next five years that are aligned with its climate ambitions.
Apr 13, 2020

China’s Medium- and Long-term Air Quality Improvement Pathways and Health Benefits

In 2019, Energy Foundation China supported Tsinghua University to explore ambitious clean air targets and their achievement pathways in China for 2030 and 2050. The findings were published in this report in January 2020.
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