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Nov 12, 2018

Case Studies on Enterprise Procurement of Renewable Energy in US Non-Regulated Power Market

In 2018, Energy Foundation China supported the Rocky Mountain Institute to study the U.S. practices on renewable energy procurement under the non-regulated power market.
Nov 12, 2018

Green Power Consumption and Demand

In 2017, Energy Foundation China supported The Climate Group to analyze the status quo of clean power consumption and absorption by Chinese industrial parks and enterprises.
Jul 10, 2018

The Energy Efficiency and Product Technology Effectiveness Evaluation in the Large-scale Application of Electric Vehicles

In 2018, Beijing Institute of Technology released a research paper to evaluate the energy efficiency and technology effectiveness of electric vehicles on the road, The project was supported by Energy Foundation China.
Jul 10, 2018

Automotive Battery Recycling Mechanism and Policy for Shenzhen

In June 2018, the Green and Low-carbon Development Foundation released a report to propose a feasible mechanism and policy of automotive battery recycling for Shenzhen, a metropolis with a fast growing electric vehicle population. This project was supported by Energy Foundation China.
Jul 10, 2018

Analyzing Carbon Emissions Peaking Pathway of the Industrial Sector in Wuhan

In June 2018, the Rocky Mountain Institute published a report to explore how to help Wuhan’s industrial sector peak its carbon emissions. This project was supported by Energy Foundation China.
Jul 10, 2018

A Guide to Green Supply Chain Management in Chinese Enterprises

With Energy Foundation China’s support, the Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission carried out research on green supply chain management in China’s manufacturing sector and released their findings in a report in April 2018.
Jul 10, 2018

Best Available Air Pollution Control Technologies and Emission Reduction Potential in the Iron and Steel Industry

With Energy Foundation China’s support, the Chinese Appraisal Center for Environment and Engineering researched on best available technologies (BAT) for air pollution control in China’s iron and steel industry and quantified the emission reduction potential.
Jul 10, 2018

U.S. Best Management Practices for Monitoring and Reducing Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds: A Petroleum Refinery Case Study

In 2017, Energy Foundation China supported RTI International to disseminate international best practices in controlling volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from industrial processes. RTI looked into the petroleum refinery industry in the U.S. and summarized what they have done right.
Apr 16, 2018

Emerald Cities - Planning for Smart and Green China

“Planning for Smart and Green China” is the first comprehensive manual detailing how to build a sustainable city from the ground up in China, laying out green building and urban sustainability practices for low-carbon city planning and construction in China and abroad.
Apr 13, 2018

Energy Data 2017

This report was compiled by Wang Qingyi, co-founder of the China Energy Research Society, with assistance from the Innovative Green Development Program and support from Energy Foundation China.
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