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Feb 2, 2019

Correlation Analysis and Strategies for Low-carbon Urbanization in China

With support from Energy Foundation China, the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation, together with the China Sustainable Transportation Center and the Institute of Spatial Planning and Regional Economy under the National Development and Reform Commission finished this research report in 2018.
Feb 2, 2019

Early Peaking of China’s Carbon Emissions

Since 2014, Energy Foundation China has supported a group of top Chinese think tanks such as the Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commissions, Tsinghua University, Renmin University, and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences to research into the feasiblity of peaking China’s carbon emissions as early as possible and the roadmap to realize it.
Feb 2, 2019

Practice and Innovation of Energy Efficiency Investment and Financing in Industrial Parks

In 2017 and 2018, Energy Foundation China supported the China Energy Efficiency and Investment Consultancy Service Center to investigate the current status of energy efficiency investment and financing in China’s industrial parks. The results were released in the report.
Feb 2, 2019

Key Issues in Establishing China’s Water Rights Market and Policy Recommendations

In 2018, the Development Research Center of the Ministry of Water Resources analyzed how to establish China’s water rights market and proposed policy recommendations accordingly. The study summarized experiences of small-scale water rights market pilots in China, identified key issues for their future development, and provided policy recommendations.
Nov 12, 2018

Green Finance Systems for Energy Retrofitting of Public Buildings in Key Cities

Green finance has developed in a rapid way in China since seven central government agencies—including People’s Bank of China—issued a guideline to establish a green financial system for China.
Nov 12, 2018

Policy and Regulation System of Urban Transportation Sector on Climate Change and Air Quality Issues in California and the US

From 2016 to 2018, Energy Foundation China supported the China Center for Energy and Transportation at University of California, Davis to summarize policies and best practices for the public transportation sector from different levels of governments in the U.S.
Nov 12, 2018

Low Carbon Development and Early Emissions Peaking in Chinese Cities: Case Studies (2018)

In September 2018, the International Technical Supporting Platform for City Emission Peaking (ISP-CEP) released the case studies, with support from all members of the platform, including Energy Foundation China. Through literature reviews and interviews, this report illustrates how eight different Chinese cities try to push forward low carbon development at the local level and aim to peak their emissions early. The cases can provide practical lessons for other cities in China and developing countries around the world, as they explore innovative low carbon solutions that suit them. ISP-CEP was established in 2017 by 11 international non-governmental organizations in China, aiming to help Chinese cities achieve their carbon emissions peaking goals successfully.
Nov 12, 2018

2018 China Carbon Pricing Survey

This report summarises the results of the 2018 China Carbon Pricing Survey. During April 2018, the survey elicited expectations about China’s future carbon price from stakeholders in carbon markets. Through cooperation with industrial associations, strong efforts were made to survey representatives from China’s carbon-intensive industries, including power, cement, and aluminum, which are already, or soon expected to be, subject to carbon pricing.
Nov 12, 2018

Promotion Mechanism and Road Map for Energy Management Systems

In September 2018, the National Energy Efficiency Center published the research report, with support from Energy Foundation China. It analyzes how energy management systems work in China’s major energy consumption sectors, summarizes lessons learned, and identifies problems and obstacles. This report also provides recommendations on how to continue promoting energy management systems in China.
Nov 12, 2018

Water Issues With China’s Energy Scenarios up to 2020 and 2030

In 2018, the Tsinghua-BP Clean Energy Research and Education Center studied water issues with China’s 2020 and 2030 energy scenarios. Researchers provided quantitative figures of water withdrawal and consumption in pre-specified energy scenarios, especially for 2020 and 2030. This is the first study to help justify the impacts of energy development on water resources and conservation targets in China. The research was supported by Energy Foundation China.
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