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Apr 30, 2021

GHG Emissions of Shopping: E-Commerce Vs. Bricks and Mortar in China

In March 2021, Carbonstop released this comparative research report that calculates GHG emissions of two types of shopping in China, with support from Energy Foundation China.
Apr 30, 2021

Urban Cooperation and Development Along the Belt and Road

In December 2020, China Center for Urban Development completed this research on how to promote cooperation among cities along the Belt and Road, with support from Energy Foundation China.
Apr 30, 2021

Energy Data 2020

This report was compiled by Wang Qingyi, co-founder of the China Energy Research Society, with assistance from the Innovative Green Development Program and support from Energy Foundation China.
Apr 30, 2021

An Evaluation Index System for Climate-Friendly Financial Institutions

In July 2020, the CECEP Environmental Consulting Group completed this research report on how to evaluate climate-friendly financial institutions, with support from Energy Foundation China.
Apr 30, 2021

Development Mechanisms of Climate Investment and Finance in Cities

In January 2021, the CECEP Environmental Consulting Group completed this climate investment and finance research project funded by Energy Foundation China.
Apr 26, 2021

An Evaluation of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Buses in Cold Regions and Suggestions for Future: A Case Study in Zhangjiakou

In June 2021, with support from Energy Foundation China, Zhangjiakou Hydrogen and Renewable Energy released this report evaluating how fuel cell buses running on the streets of the Northern China city perform compared with internal combustion engine buses.
Apr 26, 2021

A Realization Pathway and Policy Recommendations for China’s 2025 New Energy Vehicles Targets With the Carbon Peaking and Neutrality Goals

In 2021, EV100 Plus, a think tank initiated by a platform of electric vehicle (EV) researchers, automakers, and regulators, released this report examining how China can achieve more ambitious 2025 targets for new energy vehicles—China’s term for EVs—and what the viable enabling policies should be like. Support for this research came from Energy Foundation China.
Apr 26, 2021

A Storm in a Teacup: Impacts and Geopolitical Risks of the European Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

Energy Foundation China presents this report co-conceived and commissioned to European thinktanks Sandbag and E3G in 2021 to analyze the impacts of the European Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) on Chinese stakeholders.
Mar 30, 2021

GHG Emissions of E-Commerce Enterprises in China

In 2020, Energy Foundation China supported Carbonstop to research on GHG emissions of e-commerce enterprises in China. Their findings were released in this report in March 2021.
Mar 25, 2021

China’s Experience in Promoting and Deploying New Energy Urban Buses

In October 2020, China Academy of Transportation Sciences released this survey report supported by Energy Foundation China on how China has deployed electric buses in public transport.
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