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Dec 1, 2021

Global Energy Infrastructure Emissions and Their Lock-in Effect

In December 2021, supported by Energy Foundation China, the Institute for Carbon Neutrality at Tsinghua University released this research report estimating emissions of global energy infrastructure and analyzing how to reduce their lock-in effect.
Dec 1, 2021

Pilots of the Coordinated Development of Green Buildings and Green Finance

In November 2021, with support from Energy Foundation China, Suzhou Institute of Building Science Group completed this report studying how to use green finance to promote green buildings in cities.
Dec 1, 2021

California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard and Its Feasibility for China

In October 2021, the Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation released this report introducing California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard and analyzing whether and how it can be learned by China. The research was conducted with support from Energy Foundation China.
Dec 1, 2021

An Evaluation of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Shanghai and Policy Recommendations for the 14th Five-Year Plan Period

In July 2021, Shanghai Electric Vehicle Public Data Collecting, Monitoring, and Research Center released this report reviewing how plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) perform in the city. The research was conducted with support from Energy Foundation China.
Dec 1, 2021

Advancing New Energy Vehicles in Hainan Province With an Innovative Solution: Battery Swapping

In June 2021, China Auto Information Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. released this report compiled with support from Energy Foundation China about how Hainan Province can use battery swapping to address the charging bottleneck for electric vehicles.
Dec 1, 2021

Energy Conservation Retrofits of Data Centers: From Theory to Practice

With support from Energy Foundation China, the Green World Low-Carbon Economy and Technology Center studied how to develop energy efficiency improvement standards for data centers in China and summarized the current local practice of retrofitting data centers’ refrigeration systems.
Dec 1, 2021

Research on Applications of Low Wind Speed Power in ASEAN

In December 2021, with support from Energy Foundation China, the China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute and the ASEAN Centre for Energy released this report assessing the great potential for member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (AMS) to develop low wind speed power (LWSP).
Dec 1, 2021

Co-Control of Greenhouse Gases and Air Pollutants in Shanghai During the 14th Five-Year Plan Period

In December 2021, with the support of Energy Foundation China, Shanghai Economic Information Center and Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences jointly released this report exploring a synergetic control strategy for greenhouse gases and criteria air pollutants in Shanghai for the period of 2021 to 2025.
Dec 1, 2021

Environmental Information Disclosure of Financial Institutions Against the Backdrop of China’s Carbon Peaking and Neutrality Goals (2021 Edition)

In December 2021, supported by Energy Foundation China, the Beijing Institute of Finance and Sustainability and the Modern Finance Research Institute of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China released this report reviewing how financial institutions in China are disclosing environmental information of their portfolios.
Nov 27, 2021

District Energy Development Planning for Buildings: A Summary Report

In November 2021, the ZKHY Energy Internet Research Institute released this summary report about how to make holistic district-level energy development planning for buildings. Support for this research came from Energy Foundation China.
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