EF China News

EF China and Beijing’s Tongzhou District Entered Into Partnership for Low Carbon Development

(Photo by Cai Jingjing)

On January 19, 2022, Zou Ji, President and CEO of Energy Foundation China, was invited to attend the Promotion Conference on the High Quality Industry Development of Beijing City Sub-Center in Tongzhou, the southeastern district that has hosted many of Beijing’s municipal governmental agencies since mid-2010s. At the conference, Energy Foundation China established strategic partnership with Tongzhou District to jointly support the green and low carbon development of the capital city’s sub-center.

The strategic cooperation aims to accelerate green development in Tongzhou, enhance its competitiveness, and incorporate the concept of low carbon development into its construction. The cooperation efforts will help Tongzhou cut its carbon emissions, move toward carbon neutrality, and build it into a national demonstration district for high quality green development. The cooperation content includes the overall green and low carbon development strategy for Tongzhou, green finance, low carbon buildings and cities, new energy vehicles, a decarbonized energy system, and the co-management of air and climate pollutants. Through technical research, sectoral and thematic analyses, and international cooperation and dissemination by project implementing organizations, this cooperation hopes to help Tongzhou accelerate its low carbon economic transition and present the capital city’s low carbon development stories.


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