COP28 Agenda

PV Industry’s Sustainable Development in China

When 20:00-21:30 (CN)
12:00-13:30 (UK)
04:00-05:30 (SF)
Where Energy Foundation China Pavilion, China Pavilion EXPO 2020 (Green Zone), X583+2CW Sunrise Avenue - Dubai - United Arab Emirates

Time: December 9, 2023, 16:00-17:30 (Dubai Time)


With the global focus on achieving carbon neutrality, the importance of green industries in the economic landscape is growing rapidly. (1) From an investment standpoint, it is projected that the total global energy investment will reach US$2.8 trillion by 2023. Clean energy investment is expected to increase by 24% compared to 2021, reaching more than US$1.7 trillion. The investment in the photovoltaic (PV) industry is expected to reach US$380 billion, which could surpass investment in oil production for the first time. (2) In terms of country contribution, since 2021, China, the United States, and the European Union have been responsible for more than 90% of the increase in clean energy investment.

The trend of anti-globalization is on the rise, and many countries are now placing greater emphasis on supply chain and energy security. Major economies like the United States and Europe have introduced significant industrial and trade policies such as the IRA and the CBAM. It remains to be seen how these policies will impact the global PV industry trade pattern and investment pattern, and whether they will reshape the competitive landscape of the global photovoltaic industry in the long run. China is a key player in this industry, and it is important to understand how it is dealing with uncertainties and challenges.

At the same time, the increasing rate of new PV installed capacity has not kept pace with the speed of cost decline and production capacity expansion. Taking China as an example, new distributed grid-connected projects will be stopped especially when the distribution grid capacity is insufficient to absorb. Distributed PV, which accounts for nearly 50% of China's new PV installations, is considered to be the way with the most potential to develop renewable energy in the eastern and central regions. How to further accelerate the deployment of distributed PV? What practical cases or experiences can you share from an enterprise perspective?

EF China is partnering with WBCSD and Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum to bring together experts, businesses, and institutional representatives from around the world to discuss and promote sustainable development of the global PV industry and distributed PV. The conference will focus on topics such as accelerating the deployment of distributed PV and the development of the PV industry.


Welcome Remarks

  • Zou Ji, CEO and President, Energy Foundation China
  • Diane Holdorf, Executive Vice President, WBCSD
  • Zhang Wenzhong, Chairman of the Learning and Exchange Committee of Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum, founder of Wumart Group, and founder of DMALL


Guiding Speech

  • Zhang Yongping, Program Director, Clean Power, EF China


Panel Discussion

Moderator: Zhang Yongping, Program Director, Clean Power, EF China

Topic 1: Solar PV supply chain: global challenges and responses

Guiding questions:

  • What are the current status and future trends of the PV industry's global supply chain?
  • What impact will the industrial and trade policies of major economies have on the global supply chain pattern of the solar PV industry?
  • From an enterprise's perspective, what are the opportunities and challenges for China’s solar PV exports?

Topic 2: Unlock the potential: accelerate distributed PV deployment

Guiding questions:

  • What are the biggest barriers to the further acceleration of distributed PV? Technical, policy, investment, or business model?
  • What’s the solution to keep the momentum of deploying distributed PV? Any best practices to share globally?
  • From an enterprise's perspective, what kind of strategies and tactics are appropriate at this stage?


  • Zhu Yufeng, GCL Group, President
  • Qian Jing, JinkoSolar, Global vice president
  • Zhang Xiaohua, China Country Director at ClimateWorks Foundation
  • Meng Fei, China Initiatives Director, Climate Imperative
  • Diane Holdorf, Executive Vice President, WBCSD
  • Robert Hertzberg, former Majority Leader of the California Senate
  • David Sandalow, Inaugural Fellow at the Center on Global Energy Policy at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University
  • Kevin Tu, Managing Director of Agora Energy Transition China, and Senior Advisor China of Agora Energiewende


Closing Remarks

  • Zhang Yongping, Program Director, Clean Power, EF China



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