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103 items found
Dec 1, 2017

Green Transportation and Low Carbon City Financing

This report reviews the current status of China's urban green transport financing, analyzes possible problems, and introduces domestic and international experiences. It also explores how municipal governments can help launch sustainable investment and financing of green transportation by installing optimal institutional settings, transaction structure, and implementation procedures. The innovative model of investment and financing proposed in this report is a potential alternative to the traditional model that cannot satisfy the huge investment demand of green transportation in Chinese cities. The research was supported by the Bloomberg Philanthropies, and released by Energy Foundation China and the Beijing Chaoyang Yuheng Sustainable Transportation Research Center in December 2017.
Sep 28, 2017

Green Development of Construction Enterprises

This report summarizes green development and construction practices at the China Railway Construction Group and presents a green development model for construction enterprises. Taking the group as an example, the project looks into how to promote green development in construction enterprises. After analyzing policy obstacles the new model faces, the report puts forward policy recommendations in response. It was supported by Energy Foundation China and conducted by the China Railway Construction Group in 2017.
Aug 16, 2017

Changing Cities in 5 Steps

China’s urbanization is transitioning from an era of sprawling expansion to the pursuit of livability. Only cities that are designed and constructed for people can be livable and sustainable.
Aug 1, 2017

Urban Renewal Planning in the Jiangsu Province

In 2017, Energy Foundation China supported the Urbanization and Urban-Rural Planning Research Center of Jiangsu to study on urban renewal planning in the province. In this report, researchers propose a planning methodology to guide systematic urban renewal and try to improve its policy analysis and planning guidelines based on Jiangsu’s current policy framework. The goal is to guide an orderly and gradual renewal in cities across the province. The research helps promote urban renewal planning and practice in Jiangsu and other Chinese provinces.

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