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103 items found
Feb 7, 2021

A Synergetic Strategy of Economic Growth for Guangzhou

With support from Energy Foundation China, Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, an affiliation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, released this research report in July 2020 exploring how to achieve sustainable economic growth in Guangzhou with multiple targets of carbon peaking, minimal coal consumption, and air quality attainment.
Nov 21, 2020

Scaling Up Nearly-Zero Energy Buildings: Policies, Market, and the Industry

With support from Energy Foundation China, the China Academy of Building Research completed this research in 2020 on how to promote nearly-zero energy buildings in a large scale.
Nov 21, 2020

Pathways to Building Sector Decarbonization: A Focus on Net-Zero Carbon Buildings

In 2020, the Center for Global Sustainability at University of Maryland completed this policy research on building sector decarbonization, with support from Energy Foundation China.
Nov 3, 2020

Sustainable Transportation System Development Pathway Under the Environmental-Climate Constraints in Guangzhou

In July of 2020, with support from Energy Foundation China, the Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Guangdong Provincial Transportation Planning Research Center jointly released this research report on Guangzhou’s future transportation system.

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