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103 items found
Oct 22, 2021

Building Energy Efficiency Retrofits: Policies and Market Transformation

In October 2021, the Center for Global Sustainability at University of Maryland completed this policy research on building energy efficiency retrofits, with support from Energy Foundation China.
Sep 28, 2021

A Report Series on New Economic Drivers and Low Carbon Development: Case Study in Shandong Province

In September 2021, with the support of Energy Foundation China, the Ecology Institute of Shandong Academy of Sciences released a series of case study reports on the experience of switching to new economic engines and adopting low carbon development in Shandong, a manufacturing powerhouse province in eastern China.
Sep 21, 2021

A Switch of the Growth Engine in Shandong Province

In September 2021, with support from Energy Foundation China, the Ecology Institute of Shandong Academy of Sciences released this case study report on how to transition to a new decarbonized growth engine in Shandong, a coastal manufacturing province in East China.
Sep 10, 2021

Rural Building Energy Saving and Clean Heating Retrofits in Beijing

In September 2021, with the support of Energy Foundation China, the Beijing Association of Sustainable Development and the ZKHY Energy Internet Research Institute released this report analyzing how Beijing has conducted building energy saving and clean heating retrofits in its rural areas.

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