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59 items found
Nov 1, 2017

Guideline for Disaggregated Coal Control and Clean Heating; Case Studies on Clean Heating Technologies

The Innovation Center for Clean-air Solutions and the Beijing Municipal Research Institute of Environmental Protection studied clean energy transformation in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and produced two reports: the Guideline for Disaggregated Coal Control and Clean Heating, and the Case Studies on Clean Heating Technologies. They provide technical assistance to local cities that seek to control disaggregated coal use. The research was supported by Energy Foundation China.
Sep 27, 2017

How to Reach Air Quality Standard of PM2.5 in China by 2030 -- a numerical simulation discussion based on energy and end-of-pipe control scenarios

In order to support the potential of achieving long-term improvement of air quality in China, the Energy Foundation China supports Tsinghua University to conduct a study on How to Reach Air Quality Standard of PM2.5 in China by 2030. Based on the results from energy forecasting model, emission inventory, and air-quality model, this report provides recommendations for the major cities of China to reach Air Quality Standard of PM2.5 in near future.
Sep 26, 2017

The Hidden Costs of China’s Coal-to-Chemical Sector -- A framework to stress test investments for environmental risks

To better inform investment decision making, this study develop a pragmatic framework for investors to assess environmental risks using the coal-to-chemical sector as an example. This report is developed by the Trucost and S&P Dow Jones Indices, and is supported by Energy Foundation China.
Jun 27, 2017

A Clear Opportunity: U.S.-China Collaboration on Clean Air

China’s emergence as a global economic Powerhouse has been remarkable. However this economic success was not achieved without environmental consequences. China is now one of the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitters and the country is facing severe air pollution challenges.

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