Report Attachments

Global Photovoltaic Market Trend Analysis: Implications of the Financial Crisis — 已发布
Comments on Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Law — 已发布
Regional Renewable Energy Planning:International Case Studies, Lessons Learned — 已发布
An Overview of Reports on China on China’s Current Environmental Management Capacity (EMC) — 已发布
Offshore Wind in the EU — 已发布
Current Status of Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Hot Summer and Warm Winter Zone — 已发布
Current Status of Energy Efficiency in Newly-built Buildings in Hot Summer & Cold Winter Area — 已发布
Supporting Localization of Wind Technology Manufacturing through Large Utility Tenders in Québec — 已发布
Policy Recommendations on Enhancing China’s Environmental Management Capacity — 已发布
ISSRC: A Study of the Emissions from Diesel Vehicles Operating in Beijing, China — 已发布
CATARC: Analysis of Implementation Results of the Standard "Limits of Fuel Consumption for Passenger Cars" — 已发布
World Bank (WB) Notes: China's Environment: Next Steps in Administrative Reform, December, 2002 — 已发布
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC): Environmental Governance in China: Recommendations for Reform from International Experience, June 2007 — 已发布
OECD: Environmental Performance Review: China (Part 1 Conclusion and Recommendations). July 2006 — 已发布
China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED): Task Force Report: Environmental Governance in China, November 2006 — 已发布
China Sustainable Energy Program (CSEP): Policy Recommendations for the Ninth Senior Policy Advisory Council Meeting: III. Promoting Environmental Regulatory System Reform, Energy Savings, and Environmental Protection, November, 2006 — 已发布
Asia Development Bank (ADB): Country Environmental Analysis for The People's Republic of China, Executive Summary, May 2007 — 已发布
The Research on China’s Energy Efficiency Standards Implementation and Monitoring System — 已发布
Technical supporting report for China energy efficiency standard for external power supplies — 已发布
Scientific Electric Power Planning — 已发布

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